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Rendering raw HTML

Text content in Fresh is always escaped, whether serverside rendered or rendered in islands. While this generally desired, it can create issues in certain situations.


The TL;DR is to use Preact’s dangerouslySetInnerHTML. As the name implies, it should not be used lightly.

Setting arbitrary HTML can be dangerous. Make sure you trust the source. Rendering user-supplied HTML to the DOM makes your site vulnerable to cross- site scripting. The markup must first be sanitizied, or better yet, something you trust.

Example: Rendering JSON-LD

Suppose we need to add some microdata markup to a page. The following will result in escaped characters, and will not work:

const json = `
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "PostalAddress",
  "streetAddress": "8888 University Drive",
  "addressLocality": "Burnaby",
  "addressRegion": "British Columbia"

export default function JsonLd() {
  return <script type="application/ld+json">{json}</script>;

Instead, we can use dangerouslySetInnerHTML:

export default function JsonLd() {
  return (
      dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: json }}

Another example: Code highlighting

Syntax highlighters parse strings into HTML tags, allowing them to be individually styled with CSS. We can build a simple Preact syntax highlighter like so:

import Prism from "";

interface Props {
  code: string;
  lang: string;

export default function Code({ code, lang }: Props) {
  const parsed = Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages[lang], lang);

  return (
    <pre data-lang={lang} className={`language-${lang}`}>
          __html: parsed,

Of course, we will also have to add some CSS to make this look nice.