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Using Twind v1

When you initialize a project with deno run -A -r, you’ll end up with a main.ts like the following:

/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />
/// <reference lib="dom" />
/// <reference lib="dom.iterable" />
/// <reference lib="dom.asynciterable" />
/// <reference lib="deno.ns" />

import "$std/dotenv/load.ts";

import { start } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import manifest from "./fresh.gen.ts";
import config from "./fresh.config.ts";

await start(manifest, config);

And the Fresh config is like this:

import { defineConfig } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import twindPlugin from "$fresh/plugins/twind.ts";
import twindConfig from "./twind.config.ts";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [twindPlugin(twindConfig)],

Let’s bump that up to v1:

diff --git a/fresh.config.ts b/fresh.config.ts
index 548e16a..e00d557 100644
--- a/fresh.config.ts
+++ b/fresh.config.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { defineConfig } from "$fresh/server.ts";
-import twindPlugin from "$fresh/plugins/twind.ts";
+import twindPlugin from "$fresh/plugins/twindv1.ts";
 import twindConfig from "./twind.config.ts";

 export default defineConfig({

The twind config object has changed significantly in v1, so we must also change twind.config.ts. A good base looks like this (just replace whatever is there with this):

import { defineConfig, Preset } from "";
import presetTailwind from "";
import presetAutoprefix from "";

export default {
    presets: [presetTailwind() as Preset, presetAutoprefix()],
  selfURL: import.meta.url,

(Note: the as Preset cast is required to fix a typing issue with twind.)

To see what other presets exist, you can go to the twind docs.